Hell Box is a small box that we kept a bunch of stuff in for the band like extension cords, quarter inches, tri-prongs etc., and it was named for the horrible, jagged, metal edges that would rip your flesh when you tried to move it. It wasn't always an evil box; it just took a lot of abuse and over time developed sharp metal spikes. It's predecessor, Hell Trunk was actually a pretty dangerous little trunk with pieces of rusty, spiky metal everywhere and we actually left it out for people to put tips in...very carefully.
Then there was Hell Box and now it's covered with black duct tape so it's looking better these days. I can't seem to find the lid which at this point is actually the bottom of the box. It somehow got turned upside down so the lid must be locked at all times or the contents will spill out everywhere. I honestly don't remember how that happened.
The best thing about going through Hell Box was looking at a few historical items of Seth Boulton & The Dream Machine that had been left behind in our trail of destruction. I wanted to share these with you now:

The first thing is a setlist from when we played Xhedos Cafe in Ferndale Michigan. I wasn't going to wear makeup for this acoustic show but Stacey, my drummer's twin sister's partner, seemed disappointed so I ended up wearing makeup.
Here's the other side of the flyer for the show.

Notice this was before the new logo for the band was done. I don't think Xhedos exists anymore. Although I'm pretty sure Laura and I had coffee at the same place under a new name last time I was in Detroit. They still have a stage and do acoustic shows.

This set list was for a show we did in Greenboro I'm pretty sure. Or maybe it was The Spot. Before it closed or course. We've played a lot of places that have changed names or closed. I don't think it was our fault but there is a disturbing correlation.

It's kind of hard to read but this one's pretty funny, it's a list that Nicolette made of all of the songs we did. I don't think we ever played all them at once but we might have. We never played "Cannon Ball" more than a couple of times and there are some covers on there that I'd kind of like to work up again.
Also in Hell Box was some electrical tape, a bunch of Underground CD's, a copy of The Cure's greatest hits, some sunscreen which we always tried to never be without and the best item of all:

This is the emergency stick of Secret deodorant from the bottom of Hell Box. It's been everywhere from Detroit to Nashville and I'm pretty sure everyone in the band has used it at least once although I'm not positive and I don't know how you'd prove something like that. Still, that's what I'm putting in the description when it goes on eBay.
Well, Hell Box is looking good, things are a little more organized and I feel like I've really accomplished something today. Plus I've had lots of fun with the new scanner today. Today was a good day.
I have to recollection of ever putting on the Secret emergency band deoderant. I know this will significantly bring down the dollar amount you could get on eBay, but it's best to be honest.
Really Laura,
It's not fare to assume who applied what deoderant to whom in their sleep. It's just too much to assume...and given the context of this message it's kind of the creepiest thing I've ever written. Brilliant!
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