I can't tell if this is a step backwards from the Michael Bolton thing. I mean, for one thing, they're not asking me if I'm related to Michael Bolton. But it's disturbing because some of the kids who ask me this are dead serious. If you're not a 9 year old girl you might be a little confused right now on even who this guy is. Let me shed some light on the subject and I'm sure the problem will become clear:
Troy Boulton is a fictional character from High School Musical and I am not related to him because he isn't real.
It's a little shocking to me that I've had to make this distinction to kids as many times as I have and I didn't think I could be shocked at where our society is going anymore. I blame Clear Channel and Disney for this. Not only is the next generation not going to know what good music is, they won't even understand the difference between a horrible musical and reality.
American Songs-SiriusXM This Week
9 hours ago
I hardly think you've managed to prove your point about this "I'm not related to a fictional character" ho-ha. If Sarah Palin and John McCain can run a campaign based on fiction, then you can be related to a fictional character.
2 shay, Laura, 2 shay:)
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