Sunday, November 30, 2008

Crazy Little Guy Records

and this thing which I like:

K9 Justice League CD is finished!!!

The K9 Justice League CD from Crazy Little Guy Records featuring the acoustic version of "Somebody's Dream" is finished and on sale now for $5!

It's the only place you can purchase a physical copy of that song right now and it's got a lot of other bands on there and it's for a great cause! You should write them on their myspace page and ask them about it!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


So Chinese Democracy finally happened...

I'm just curious, did anybody care?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Solution

Look, I'm not going to mention any names because I'm a nice guy AND I don't have to for everyone to know exactly what I'm talking about so here goes...

I have the solution for all the problems with the recession right now! It occurred to me while listening to the radio today. Just regular old radio, not satellite or anything fancy and this song came on the I said I'm not mentioning any names...but I started thinking about how much money was being pumped into this particular "crooner"'s single, album, promotion, etc., and I thought what if we took all the money that we were putting behind crappy music and used that to stimulate the economy in a positive way. We could build schools, pay our teachers and police force a decent salary and of course, actually put some of the money into real music programs for entertainment and education.

Think of all the millions that go into billboards and commercials and internet ads; even just to get a song played on the radio costs a fortune and it's all being spent on this crap...not mentioning any names...and my God, no one even cares at this point! It's not like everyone is clawing over each other to buy these CD's! (Kids are too busy playing video games with GOOD music in them!) All this money is basically being spent on advertising just begging people to pay attention to artists they don't care about!

So what if we had a rule, like, ummm, if you're album sounds like a bad soundtrack for an Old Navy commercial all your funding has to be redistributed to useful areas of society. Now, this would stimulate the economy and encourage artistry because the artists that people actually liked, that created a demand for themselves without the benefit of their audience being told what to think through the media would be able to make music and art and reap the rewards of producing a good product while the other...I'm gonna say who...would just go away and their money could help bail out all those auto workers, the people who actually provide a service that people need AND want.

And they don't get a reality shows either...just because...although those do seem to do better than their albums...all those people and their albums...those horrible, horrible albums...I'm not mentioning any names...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Donnie Darko

Am I the only person who thinks that Donnie Darko was HILARIOUS!?!

I mean, Come on, the first line of the movie is: "I'm voting for Dukakis."!!! That's so awesome! It works on so many levels! And it just gets better from there! There's the whole conversation with the girl whose mom killed her dad or whatever and when I say it like that it doesn't sound funny I know but it really is the way they do it. And then a plane engine hits their house!!! And Patrick Swayze and then the whole Smurfette discussion! Anyway, yeah...I love that movie.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Magical Photo

Did you ever see that Sky Captain movie? That's what this picture reminds me of. I kind of went crazy with the glowy sepia tone thing in photoshop but I'm pretty happy with it. This was from The Crooked Door and there were all these antique looking mirrors behind us when we played so I thought the effect would work. Also, I actually glow like that when I perform so it gives an accurate portrayal of what it's like to look at me during a show.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I Miss You

Now I can't remember what I was gonna blog about but it was awesome...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

This is an old picture (please note the subtle Curb Your Enthusiasm reference in this blog)

I like that shirt. I think Leigh took this picture. Everyone said it looked like an old Buddy Holly record cover or something along those lines. Old school. I liked that about it too:)

This was back when we used to play at Borders a long time ago. I really liked playing all those places we used to play. I wish we didn't have to play so...quiet. It's really hard! That's why most bands don't do it. You can play a lot more venues, especially in this town when they realize you can control your volume. But it's hard to play so it sounds good and quiet and effectively gets your point across musically. That's why most acts don't do it...I suppose...maybe they just don't like playing at a controlled volume and maybe it's only hard for me.

It's weird but a lot of venue owners don't realize soundboards have faders on them and you can actually control the volume that way. They think you can actually make yourself louder by playing harder or something. I guess that works on a drum kit and most of the time we didn't have one of those before Laura came along...I think most bar owners don't understand the laws of physics...And I played an acoustic guitar and I guess that's not as scary as an electric guitar that uses electricity because that's louder...I'm just complaining now...

Speaking of the quietest show on earth, Leonard Cohen is touring again. I haven't checked but I'm afraid he's not going to play in the states. I made myself sad:( Can't go on...must go on...can't go on...must go on...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Today's Show for The Animal Rescue

Today's show went really well and I'm happy to say that I was actually excited to do a show:) I've taken some time off over the last few months and looking back on it I'm glad I did because I think I was really burnt out and didn't even realize it. Now the idea of playing new shows and trying out new material seems like something I really, really want to be doing so yeah, thanks Steve for getting us NSAI musicians lined up to play such a great gig for such a great cause!

Also, Niki made gift bags that looked like pieces of candy. They were filled with a couple of CDs, stickers and some leftover Halloween candy...mainly Swee of these creations will be available soon!

Today's setlist:

Somebody's Dream
Crash and Burn
Sweet Dreams
The Boogie Man
You're Gonna Break My Heart
Folsom Prison Blues
We Specialize in Broken Wings
(November 8th, Harley Davidson in Matthews, NC)

I read somewhere that some folks like to see the band's setlist when they read these things and since I actually wrote out a setlist I thought I'd post it here. And I guess this is the first setlist I've ever put on the web. I know, it's quite something but hold your applause till the end.

Today was just acoustic guitar but looking back on it I should have brought the nightmare machine along and played with the synthesizer. It was windy and a bee chased me around a little at one point but I was brave and did the whole set all by myself. Thank you.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Obama is President!

Who knows what could happen next? America is moving into a completely different paradigm, at least potentially. Anything is possible! What if the republican party realized they needed to update their roster? This country is finally ready to vote for something other than a rich, old white man like the last, well, ALL of the presidents EVER until now. Or what if we voted for someone who wasn't even a member of the corporately-owned, two party system that has buried itself so deeply in our society and rules over us with an iron fist? Who knows what will happen next?! The answer is...probably nothing. I am such a wet blanket. I can't help but be a little cynical when it comes to the political game but I am really happy we have an African American first family and you know what that means: it's all smooth sailing from here. Just like when the Jews finally got out of Egypt. (I know, sarcasm is the refuge of losers...but it's just so easy.) Well, I'm praying everyday for this country and its president and you should too!

Umm...let's see, I've gone from inquisitive and optimistic to ironical and darkly fatalistic to preachy. You see? I'm all about change:) ...And I'm kind of an ass.

Yep, good blog...good blog.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Real Winner in this Election

I would like to thank all the people who voted early this year. Because of you there was literally no line when I went to vote late Tuesday night. I just walked into a practically empty room, gave them my name and voted for your dad. So thanks early voters! Because of you, your dad got another vote and believe me, I'm not the kind of guy who's gonna wait in line for my chance to voice my opinion on who the next leader of the free world should be. If there was a 15 minute wait I would have been outta there! I mean, come on, how many votes is your dad gonna get anyway? He's not gonna win. So I'm not waiting around just to vote for your dad and waste my Tuesday night. I've got places to be.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween is Fun.

I saw this kid, about 8 or 9 years old dressed up as a big, fluffy, puppy dog just lose it and bolt into this woman's house. It was before she even got to the door to give out candy. He just opened the door and shot down the hall and hung a sharp right into some room in this stranger's house and then his mom shot into the house after him and then the lady came to the door and I tried to explain what happened but I don't think she believed me until they both just kind of popped up behind in her own home. It probably freaked her out a little but it was the funniest thing I saw all night. Just the image of a fat, little dog, about the size and build of ALF running for it into the somebody's house. I have no idea what made him do that but I'm glad it happened.