Today's show went really well and I'm happy to say that I was actually excited to do a show:) I've taken some time off over the last few months and looking back on it I'm glad I did because I think I was really burnt out and didn't even realize it. Now the idea of playing new shows and trying out new material seems like something I really, really want to be doing so yeah, thanks Steve for getting us NSAI musicians lined up to play such a great gig for such a great cause!
Also, Niki made gift bags that looked like pieces of candy. They were filled with a couple of CDs, stickers and some leftover Halloween candy...mainly Swee of these creations will be available soon!
Today's setlist:
Somebody's Dream
Crash and Burn
Sweet Dreams
The Boogie Man
You're Gonna Break My Heart
Folsom Prison Blues
We Specialize in Broken Wings
(November 8th, Harley Davidson in Matthews, NC)
I read somewhere that some folks like to see the band's setlist when they read these things and since I actually wrote out a setlist I thought I'd post it here. And I guess this is the first setlist I've ever put on the web. I know, it's quite something but hold your applause till the end.
Today was just acoustic guitar but looking back on it I should have brought the nightmare machine along and played with the synthesizer. It was windy and a bee chased me around a little at one point but I was brave and did the whole set all by myself. Thank you.
American Songs-SiriusXM This Week
9 hours ago
Boulton's been doing a lot stuff for animal rights lately. What's he tryng to prove? You're not fooling me, Boulton. I once saw Seth Boulton eat a live puppy with my own two eyes. He unhinged his jaw and swallowed it whole. To be honest, I was repulsed but it was kind of cool.
Hooray for animal rescue, making set lists and not being burned out! :)
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